35+ Halloween Costumes That Are Too Funny To Miss

Published on 10/21/2018
35+ Halloween Costumes That Are Too Funny To Miss

35+ Halloween Costumes That Are Too Funny To Miss

The kids are back in school, and the fall season is upon us. The little ones go from house to house trick-or-treating with friends, hoping to end the night with the most candy bars in their pumpkin bags. Houses are donned in creepy decorations…spider webs and witches galore! Kids and adults wear costumes, celebrating the spooky holiday. Arguably, one of the best parts of the holiday is dressing up…kids often plan what to be months in advance. This fun holiday is a staple of our culture, embedded in both children’s and adults’ memories for a lifetime! When asking a group of people what their fondest memories of Halloween are, you’re sure to get a slew of responses. One person may respond that trick-or-treating was their favorite, while someone else may say pumpkin carving or apple bobbing. Fun, unique traditions are what make the holiday so enjoyable, the endless activities marking Halloween as one of the most epic holidays we have. I have quite fond memories when I think back to Halloween as a child. My elementary school had a Halloween parade for the 5 and 6-year-olds, where the parents and the young ones would march around the school, showing off their costumes for all to see. My dad came with me both years while my mom was at work. I am left with albums full of photos from the Halloween parade, the glee on the kid’s faces radiating. I distinctly remember the chill in the air each Halloween, our big coats keeping us warm and unfortunately covering our costumes up a bit. I can’t remember a Halloween where we weren’t freezing going from door-to-door for candy, but interestingly enough; I can’t imagine Halloween in any other climate.

35 Halloween Costumes That Are Too Funny To Miss

35 Halloween Costumes That Are Too Funny To Miss

The freezing temperatures go hand-in-hand with the holiday for me…oh, New York weather! Another fond memory of mine is matching costumes with my cousin almost every year. With only two years between us, we had a joyous time picking a costume we would both be wearing that year. While some of our costumes were magnificent, others were lacking…like the toothbrush and toothpaste costume my artistic aunt made for us one year…oh, what a laugh that one was. The Halloween stores all stock the same costumes, so people like to step out-of-the-box and create their own unique styles. While some are awe-inspiring, others leave us asking “why”? We’ve compiled a list of the most epic Halloween costume fails we’ve ever seen…get your popcorn ready!

Almost Kim Kardashian

It was Kim Kardashian who supposedly “broke the internet” with her interesting champagne picture.

Almost Kim Kardashian

Almost Kim Kardashian

So what do you think of the version of the famous picture? Internet-breaking worthy?

Ceiling Fans

Dad joke alert! We have to say that these girls should win the award for the best pun ever! Get it?

Ceiling Fans

Ceiling Fans

They’re fans of the ceiling, so they’re ceiling fans.

Super Mario Stars

These ladies went all out, that’s for sure!

Super Mario Stars

Super Mario Stars

They deserve all the credit for putting in such effort to make their costumes as close to the real thing as possible.

You Know What They Say…

Aaaand a close runner-up on the pun list is this guy. When life gives you lemons…

You Know What They Say...

You Know What They Say…

How easy is it to pull off this Halloween costume? Good job, man!

Holey Moley

Have you ever seen such a holy outfit before? Whether you’re a ‘holy guacamole’ or ‘holy cow’ kind of person, you can admire their creativity.

Holey Moley

Holey Moley

As long as we don’t see the ‘holy smokes’ lady!

The Slip

Here’s another pun for the books. It’s a slip, but what kind of slip is it? It’s a Freudian slip!

The Slip

The Slip

This is the perfect idea for a Psych costume.

Pumpkin Pi

Sure sure, we all know that the value of Pi is 3.14, but how much is pumpkin Pi?

Pumpkin Pi

Pumpkin Pi

Yeah, we don’t know either. But we do know that you probably shouldn’t try eating this one.

Taco Belle

It’s time for Beauty and the Beast! Have you ever wondered what the Beast saw in Belle?

Taco Belle

Taco Belle

Well, other than her gorgeous smile, it might have been her delicious taco dress. Might have been.

Ice Ice Baby

Aww, these guys are too cute! We should also mention that they are also creatives geniuses.

Ice Ice Baby

Ice Ice Baby

If you’re not singing “ice ice baby,” you might not understand their costume.

Spongebob SquarePANTS

His name is Spongebob Squarepants for a very obvious reason…he wears pants! We guess this guy didn’t get the memo when dressing up as the sponge who lives in a pineapple under the sea.

Spongebob SquarePANTS

Spongebob SquarePANTS

We’re surprised security didn’t escort him out…just look at that costume! We’re sure the ladies behind him got much more than they asked for…poor women!


We’re all for trying to jazz up the staple ghost costume…just not like this! Who told these girls that bikinis and ghosts went together?

Gho Kini@

Gho Kini?

We’re guessing they didn’t ask around before heading out of the house. This costume is creepy and weird! We truly hope they didn’t repeat this get-up the next year…talk about an epic costume fail!

Mr. Kool-Aid

Although we have to admit, we do love the red, sugary drink from the 90’s, we aren’t sure it works as a Halloween costume!

Mr. Kool Aid

Mr. Kool Aid

Maybe if he used cardboard to depict the drink…but his stomach?! No, definitely not. We can’t decide which face is creepier, the one painted on his stomach, or the one he’s making for the photo!

Sesame Street Scaries

Sesame Street is a classic children’s show that many little ones adore. These two guys took Bernie and Elmo to a new level, talk about sesame street scaries!

Sesame Street Scaries

Sesame Street Scaries

Any kid who runs into these two trick-or-treating will surely have a meltdown. The duck Elmo is holding makes the costume that much creepier, oh…and those eyes!

Baby Pumpkins

Although babies in pumpkins are exceptionally adorable, we have to admit, not one of these kids looks thrilled.

Baby Pumpkins

Baby Pumpkins

Just look at the photo…they are all crying! We assume the parents were expecting the kids to laugh and giggle, boy were they in for a surprise! Let’s leave candles in pumpkins…not children!

Iron Man Or Plastic Man?

Although we do understand the Marvel Comics craze…we’re 99% sure Iron Man doesn’t look like this.

Iron Man Or Plastic Man@

Iron Man Or Plastic Man?

This guy used a bit too much plastic, and duct tape. We do have to applaud his effort, even if this is a complete and total fail…better luck next year bud!

At A Snail’s Pace

Who would want to dress up as a slimy, gross insect? This guy is clearly in a league of his own.

At A Snails Pace

At A Snail’s Pace

We’re not sure what the plastic following him is, but if we had to guess, we would say it’s the slimy residue snails leave behind…talk about gross!

Just Clownin’ Around

We all know that clowns can be a bit scary for the little ones, but this guy takes it to another level!

Just Clownin Around

Just Clownin’ Around

The hair, face makeup, and exposing jumpsuit give this guy the award for scariest clown ever. We wonder how many kids he made cry that night.

Game Of Thrones

If you haven’t heard of the show Game Of Thrones, you’re probably living under a rock, or don’t have a television.

Game Of Thrones

Game Of Thrones

This woman may have gotten character Daenerys Targaryen’s hair color right, but that’s about it. Just compare the two dragons! One is eerily scary, and the other is very cute and happy looking. This die-hard fan was so close…yet so far.

Silver Surfer?

This guy tried extremely hard to depict his favorite comic book character…he bought out Walmart’s entire supply of aluminum foil!

Silver Surfer@

Silver Surfer?

Although we do have to give him props for his dedication to silver surfer, we have to admit that he looks a bit more like a tin-foil surfer than the silver surfer himself!

The Smurfs?

These adorable blue human-like creatures live in mushroom-shaped houses in the middle of the forest…how could you not love them?!

The Smurfs@

The Smurfs?

These three friends love the smurfs so much…they decided to dress up like them! Not only did they paint their bodies with glistening blue paint, they also have the hats and the frying pans! We love their dedication to their favorite movie…and the team effort. We bet their mothers are happy they didn’t paint their eyelids!

Pooh, Is That You?

Pooh Bear is many of our favorite childhood memories…this guy completely ruined that! Since when does Pooh have a blue face? We were not aware that he was half bear, half avatar!

Pooh Is That You@

Pooh, Is That You?

His facial expression also adds to the scary factor! We wish some adults left our favorite childhood characters alone…Pooh’s name and reputation will be forever tarnished!


The movie Frozen hit theaters, and princesses Elsa and Anna instantly became icons. We get why this guy wanted to dress up as Elsa…she’s an ice princess!



We have to give him props, he has the dress, the snow, the hair AND the makeup down! Just look at that braid made of yellow sheets…now that is dedication! Oh, and we almost forgot…he also mirrored Elsa’s hand position perfectly!

Kuato? Or Creepy Man With Baby?

Kuato was the star of the popular movie Total Recall, scaring viewers for decades! We think this guy and his eerie costume had the same effect!

Kuato@ Or Creepy Man With Baby@

Kuato? Or Creepy Man With Baby?

He literally has a baby coming out of his stomach…we are at a loss for words. Not only is this gross, but it’s super creepy as well! We have to say though, Kuato’s baby is much scarier than this fellas.


The Star Wars films would not be complete without Yoda. We assume this guy agrees…he dressed up as Yoda for Halloween!



Check out that makeup!  Oh, and how can we forget the Yoda hands…classic! We have to give this guy 5 stars for his amazing effort!

Got Balls?

Ball pits were a staple of most children’s childhoods…what could be better than plastic balls infested with other kids’ germs?!

Got Balls@

Got Balls?

While the kid on the left looks as happy as ever, the kid on the right looks as creepy as ever! We have a feeling most parents would not approve of this costume…because of the costume’s creepiness and because the guy is wearing no pants!

Princess Leia Or Prince Leia?

Princess Leia is super famous for being one of the most popular characters from Star Wars. We have a super fan on our hands…take a look at the photo on the right!

Princess Leia Or Prince Leia@

Princess Leia Or Prince Leia?

This chick has the gun and all…even if it’s just a nerf gun! Our favorite part of this whole get-up is the hair! Your Princess Leia costume is not complete if your hair buns aren’t different sizes and at different heights on your head. Job well done Prince(ss) Leia!


The Teletubbies were creepy enough…these guys did not have to make them any creepier!



Although, we do have to say that the glasses do add a nice touch. But we could definitely do without the red tele’s tongue out…put it away man!

The Hulk

The Hulk is an epic character…talk about ripped! The guy on the right channeled his inner hulk last Halloween…too bad his legs are giving him away!

The Hulk

The Hulk

Someone show this guy to a gym, and tell him that if he’s going to dress up as Hulk, he needs to either cover his scrawny legs, or make sure they’re a bit more muscular than that!


Everyone wants to be like the guy on the left…just look at him! We commend the guy on the right for his effort…look at those CD discs and the yellow plastic bag on his head!



His makeshift armor and makeshift blonde hair are A+’s in our book. Oh, and his weapon and death stare are top-notch as well.

Optimus Prime

Who wouldn’t want to dress up as the guy on the left? Look how strong, tall and tough he is…oh, and then we have the guy on the right.

Optimus Prime

Optimus Prime

Although he did get 98% of the costume absolutely wrong, we are fans of the Optimus Prime stickers he put on his shoulders, and the effort he put in to make this epic box of a costume!


“I want to dress up like wolverine on Halloween” says no one ever. Look at this guys interpretation of claws…utensils we use for eating!



We hope he was careful at the Halloween party, getting stabbed and poked would not be many party-goers cup of tea.

Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman is a staple costume, it’s one of the most popular choices from the Halloween stores each year.

Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman

We guess this lady wanted to have her go at having super powers for a day. We have to give her props for going ALL out. Just look at that wig!

Jack Torrance in The Shining

The Shining is a critically acclaimed movie known by many as one of the greatest ever.

Jack Torrance In The Shining

Jack Torrance In The Shining

This guy decided that this year was the year he would finally enact the film…and not just any scene, but his favorite, of course! Easy enough costume, cut out a face-hole in a piece of wood and affix it to your head…done!


The zebra is one of the most beautiful wild animals ever…talk about stripin’ it up!



Sally wanted to show her friends at school just how obsessed she was, so she decided to dress up as one for Halloween! Sally made sure not to cut any corners…just look at her costume!

American Horror Story# Asylum

American Horror Story is an extremely popular show at the moment, so we understand why someone would want to dress up as one of the main characters.

American Horror Story Asylum

American Horror Story: Asylum

This lady got it just right with her scary face makeup. But we must point one thing out…she didn’t master the black eyes very well. Better luck next time!


Don’t have a cool eye mask? Get a hot-dog and bun and improvise!



The best part of this costume is the fact that this guy is holding a hot-dog with gloves on, oh and the fact that he’s laying in bed while doing it!

Netflix & Chill

What’s Netflix without chillin’? This guy has the right idea! We have to say that this bag of ice makes his costume that much better!

Netflix Chill

Netflix & Chill

How cold must his hand have been during the photo op though?!

South Park

“Want to dress up as Randy Marsh this Halloween?”, “Heck yeah!”.

South Park

South Park

This was the result of this guy agreeing to be Randy Marsh from South Park. 

Starbucks Fanatic

Think this guy likes coffee?

Starbucks Fanatic

Starbucks Fanatic

The barista looks less than impressed by this epic costume…somebody get this guy a Frapuccino on the house!


Oh, Homer. The popular dad on the Simpsons is one of the funniest guys on TV.



This dad thought he could match Homer with not only jokes, but also appearance. We are super impressed by this costume, but also super scared! Homer, is that you?

Cereal Killer

Is this guy a serial killer or a cereal killer? We hope he’s the latter!

Cereal Killer

Cereal Killer

The spoons in the boxes is a nice added touch, as is the beer spilled on his sweater. This guy has snacks and a drink…he is sooo ready for the night to begin!

Darth Vader

When in doubt, rummage through your garage and…wallah!

Darth Vader

Darth Vader

Bucket turned into Darth Vader’s helmet is a boss move! As is using a broom as a light saver…this guy just won Halloween!

Taco Belle

Do you know anyone who loves tacos and Taco Bell so much that they’d dress up as the fast-food chain?

Taco Belle

Taco Belle

This girl right here! Taco Bell awarded her free tacos for the year after she debuted this epic costume!


Imagine dressing up as your cat for Halloween? Yeah, neither can we.



It looks like this cat can’t believe his owner did it either!