If you have a dog, or even if you don’t, you certainly know dogs don’t always behave like you planned, and sometimes our four-legged friends can be quite “creative” in their guilty acts. How many of you have come back from a long (stressful) day of work and find your doggie standing completely still with the “It wasn’t me!” not-so innocent look on their face? Yes it’s comical, and yes it’s super adorable regardless of how angry you felt at that moment. So for all of you dog owners who are “oh-too familiar” with this situation, we’ve compiled some of the funniest guilty dog photos that you must see. Trust us, you’re not alone!
Party Pups
Nothing to see here besides two (adorable) puppies completely covered in silly string. However at least this is one mess you can easily clean up, unlike other things that our dogs are known to get into. Let’s not get into specifics though, things could get…messy.

Party Pups
Just Act Like Nothing Happened
Not much more to say here, as the sign thoroughly explains what went down. In fact it’s even a tad too detailed. While we appreciate that honesty is the best policy, there are exceptions to every rule.

Act Like Nothing Happened