Pictures That Prove Cats Will Always Be Cats, No Matter What

Published on 03/13/2018
Slideshow Cats

Cats Will Always Be Cats

Humans are still mystified as to why cats are so obsessed with boxes. Seriously, they find themselves boxes wherever they are. Yes, it makes them feel safe and secure, but some believe it relates to their natural hunting aspects. Maybe it’s just the ideal location for a cat to conceal oneself and be able to pounce and ambush a passerby, even your feet!

Despite what you may believe, no place or box is too small for a cat, even the bigger wild cats. We’re here to show you that no matter what, cats will be cats. So, yes we have even the most absurd photos of tigers trying to utilize boxes that are clearly too small. It’s not only the box obsession that has left us wondering. Now, when we talk about cats, we mean all cats from kittens to lions. Have you ever truly observed a lion or tiger, maybe at the zoo or even in the wild or on a nature documentary? It’s really fascinating.

Cats are very mysterious beings in general. Sometimes even the pets we hold most dear feel like complete strangers. You cannot always predict what a cat will do or how they’ll act. From their slow, lazy times to those wild bursts of energy! Honestly, they’re ready to plop down and nap wherever, even if that means in the most inconvenient spot. Yes, they love getting up to mischief. Sadly, they can love you one day, but hate you the next. Yet, once they put their belly up, you know they’re feeling safe, secure and loving towards you. Seriously, they’re just the cutest ever!


No Box Left Behind

For some bizarre reason, cats just cannot get enough of boxes. There seems to be no better place than a cozy box for a cat. No matter what the shape or size, no box will be left behind! Honestly, we think cats may love boxes more than their owners! Ah, the box…it’s a majestic place for cats.

No Box Left Behind

No Box Left Behind