Following a healthy lifestyle can be somewhat intimidating, what with all the health trends and different opinions about what is and isn’t healthy. It’s hard to tell what really is good for you. To help you begin your journey on the right foot, we’ve compiled a list of foods that will help you improve your health, especially your heart. We made sure to have a wide variety of foods so that you have lots to choose from and so you won’t feel deprived. The key to living a healthy lifestyle is balance. If you deprive yourself completely, you might feel too constricted and then end up binge-eating. To avoid that, you can follow the 80/20 rule: 80% of your diet should consist of healthy foods, and the other 20% can be treats. This way you’ll be able to stay on the health wagon for the long term rather than for just a short amount of time. Of course, you should always discuss health with your doctor, as they know best what will help you specifically.
Dragon Fruit
This fiery fruit is rich in phytonutrients, nutrients, calcium, iron, antioxidants, carotene, protein, vitamin C, polyunsaturated (good) fatty acids and B vitamin. This tropical fruit not only tastes delicious and can boost your immune system, it also contains a phytochemical called captin. This is often added to medicines that may help alleviate heart problems.
These earthy nuts are packed with antioxidants, good fats and plant sterols, which can help keep your ticker in top shape. Interestingly, pistachios are also packed with protein, potassium and are cholesterol free.