Keep reading to find out how these three fishermen all made a discovery that tested their friendship as well as their personal limits. It started out as a normal fishing trip but soon evolved into a rescue mission when these friends noticed that there was something odd about the iceberg they had been passing by. This is a great story that shows their hearts of gold because they acted in a situation in which most people would simply turn a blind eye. Get ready to believe in the innate goodness of people once again!
The Trio
Mallory Harrigan, Cliff Russel, and Allan Russel are close friends who enjoy going fishing together. This made it all the more perfect to turn such a hobby into a great business. They bought a fishing boat of their own and launched a fishing company.

The Trio
One Boat
Although it was a fairly small business with a single boat and three people running it, they liked to do this. They all call Canada their home, so they had access to great fishing spots already. The three of them also knew the kind of fish they would find there and what the customers like.

One Boat