Michigan Man Won’t Stop Growing – 7ft 8in And Counting

Published on 05/06/2018

Children are growing up faster than ever these days! One day they are born, the next they are going to college. For this Michigan teen, (yes we said teen!), he has a very different story of growing up. For one Michigan mother named Darci Brown Elliot, it was clear from early on her son would be a little different than other children his age. Out of nowhere, he started to grow abnormally fast and the family could not figure out why. The family eventually discovered the root cause of this health problem, and the story of Broc Brown naturally made headlines. Find out more about Broc Brown and his inspiring story. It will put your own life into perspective!

Small Town Beginnings

Something all new parents share is concern about the early stages of growth in their children. For example, eating, sleeping, laughing enough are some things parents worry about. For one Michigan mother named Darci Moss Elliot, she thought at the time of her son’s birth she had nothing to worry about. Her son, Broc Brown, was born at a normal size and weight. He weighed just under 8 pounds and was 22-inches-long. The worrying unfortunately began for Darci once her newborn son started to grow.

Small Town Beginnings

Small Town Beginnings


Growing Up in the Blink of an Eye

As a young child, there was nothing abnormal about Broc Brown. He was a jovial kid, and his friends at most remarked that he was big and strong. At an early age, it seemed Broc was growing up a little faster than his classmates. By the time he reached kindergarten strangers would do a double-take when they found out his age.

Growing Up In The Blind Of An Eye

Growing Up In The Blind Of An Eye