Flight Attendants Finally Reveal Best Kept Secrets

Published on 03/06/2018
Slideshow Flight Attendants1

Flight Attendants

Any frequent travelers feel they already know all the ins and outs of flying. Yes, you may have your most visited airports memorized, along with where each restroom and Starbucks are, but there’s so much more to traveling. Even for those of us who travel very often, whether it’s for business or pleasure, there’s still much we’re not aware of. Actually, there’s no better expert than the air travel crew members themselves. Only airline and airport insiders know the most intimate things about traveling and the aircraft. However, for every curious individual who wanted to know more on plane safety or sanitary concerns, we have all the answers you’ve been waiting for! Interested in the secret romantic lives of your flight attendants? Just keep reading and we will get to all the best kept knowledge about air travel. Although, much of the airplane travel truths are still deep secrets, we have gathered some of the best-kept ones to finally reveal to passengers. We’re going to get into everything from safety, cleanliness, plane food to what your flight attendants are really thinking at crucial moments in the flight. At last, we can understand why the crew acts the way they do! Also, it’s time to bust some big myths related to air travel. You probably have a good guess at what some of these are already, but others will probably surprise you. These are essential things that travelers MUST know before boarding their flight. So, bon voyage and safe travels to all!


Mobile Devices

Yes, everyone is always immediately annoyed that they have to turn off their phones. No, the plane won’t crash if you forget to turn yours off. However, there are two valid reasons that the crew requests we turn them off and properly store them. One, is that even though cell signals won’t interrupt any vital equipment communication, they could potentially interfere with the plane’s air traffic control frequencies, which can be irritating during landing and take-off. In addition, any loose electronic devices have the potential to be flying projectiles. Not just phones, think about a laptop to the head. Not pretty.

Mobile Devices

Mobile Devices