Flight Attendants Finally Reveal Best Kept Secrets

Published on 03/06/2018

Safest Seats

Is there a place that’s safer to sit in case of an emergency? After many statistical reviews of crash data, there seems to be a higher rate of survival in the back third of the airplane as compared to the front two-thirds. However, there are other factors that contribute to higher survival rates such as, sitting near an exit, an aisle seat and fastened seat belt. Fatal crashes are incredibly rare and survival truly depends on the specific circumstance of the accident rather than simply one’s seating. According to American government analysis, most accidents are survivable.

Safest Seats

Safest Seats


Use Of Autopilot

Try not to freak out, but yes, a computer system does fly your plane for a majority of the flight. Turns out, the standard procedure calls for autopilot to be on for around 90 percent of a commercial flight. Although, the pilot is needed for landing, take off and getting to the gate. Majority of the flight, autopilot flies the plane during cruising period. This allows the crew to work on other systems like navigation and communications operations.

Use Of Autopilot

Use Of Autopilot