Flight Attendants Finally Reveal Best Kept Secrets

Published on 03/06/2018

Fighting Human Trafficking

One very important role flight attendants have is to defend against human trafficking. This began with Sandra Fiorini, a flight attendant of American Airlines, who needed to testify with Congress when an 18 year old male had a newborn (with its umbilical cord attached) but no mother in sight. Since 2007, Fiorini has been working with Deborah Sigmund, who founded Innocents at Risk, to train airplane crews on what to look for and how to take action. Then in 2011, trained flight attendants even assisted police at the Super Bowl, since that sporting event has sadly, been known as a sort of hotbed for trafficking prostitutes.

Fighting Human Trafficking

Fighting Human Trafficking


Perks Of Seniority

As a flight attendant works his/her way up the seniority chain, it’s not just days and routes the staff member gets to choose. Actually, seniority determines one’s bed, top or lower bunk and the floor it’s on and even how close your sleeping quarters are to stairwells or doors and noisy areas. In addition, seniority can determine the length of a woman’s skirt. Once a female flight attendant graduates past probation, they’re allowed to shorten the hem of their skirt.

Perks Of Seniority

Perks Of Seniority