In this photo, taken from a train, we see rural North Korea with a small rice paddy in the foreground. Moreover there is a truck filled with people. However when you take a closer look, the people on the truck are actually soldiers. Why would a supposed “strong and modern” country need to transport their soldiers on an old pickup? It may seem like such an insignificant question, but when you boast of power, shouldn’t all of your citizens, especially your soldiers, be held to a certain standard?

So Modern
If you’re ever in Downtown Pyongyang, know that it’s the kind of place that North Korean loves to show off. All throughout Downtown Pyongyang, you’ll see lots of modern looking, flashy buildings – which in any given country are totally normal. However in North Korea, almost all of these buildings are either incomplete on the inside or have no one living in them! Most don’t even have electricity. It’s all fake modernity.

So Modern