During the fall New York City is a fantastic place to visit after the summer hype has calmed down and the weather starts to mellow out, and it starts to feel magical. The leaves begin to change colors, the air becomes crisp and cool, and all you want to do is go out and explore the city. Well, we have great news for you. Autumn is a wonderful time of the year to visit the city and spend your days and nights casually exploring and enjoying the Big Apple.

5 Reasons To Visit NYC In The Fall
1. The Weather Is Perfect
While the weather in New York City in the summer can be very hot and humid, from mid-September the temperature begins to drop. Once the summer heat is over, it becomes more pleasant to spend time outside. Because of the lovely weather change, it’s the perfect time to break out your fall wardrobe. In October it is perfect sweater weather when you can rock a light jacket with jeans and cute boots.
2. It’s More Budget Friendly
Since the summer is always heavy with tourists, September and October are the ideal months to visit NYC when the weather is nice and the flight tickets won’t break the bank. Airfare and hotel rates tend to be lower during these months before the holidays start rolling in. By Thanksgiving, the prices will rise again as the holiday season begins.
3. Amazing Festivities
In autumn there are several fun activities to do in the city, specifically in October. There is the Columbus Day Parade you can watch or participate in, Open House New York which allows you to visit sites that are normally off-limits for the public. If you can’t wait for Halloween, you can check out The Great Jack O’Lantern Blaze and the Village Halloween Parade.
4. No Tourist Crowds
Another reason to visit New York City in the fall is the smaller amount of tourists roaming the city during this time of year. Not only is it an ideal time to walk around the city, but there is actually more space to do so. And since school has begun and parents are back at work full-time, the street will feel much emptier than they would have in the summer time.
5. Free Sights
In addition to events you can sign yourself up for, there is plenty to do in the city for free. From walking in Central Park to exploring haunted spots in the city, you can celebrate fall in many ways that won’t cost you anything.