Sarah Jessica Parker And Matthew Broderick
There are plenty of fish in the sea, and there are plenty of celebs in Hollywood, but not all are suitable for each-other.

Sarah Jessica Parker And Matthew Broderick
Luckily for Sarah Jessica Parker And Matthew Broderick they were meant for each-other and their 20-year marriage has proven that. Can you believe that it was SJP’s brother who formally introduced the two?
Yoko Ono And John Lennon
Now most people after getting married want to get away by travelling to a tropical island, but not these two.

Yoko Ono And John Lennon
After John Lennon and Yoko Ono married in 1969, the two snuggled up in bed with books and just enjoyed each-other’s company. Their marriage came to a tragic end when Lennon was assassinated in 1980.