Jane Fonda
An actress, political activist, writer, comedian, former fashion model, and fitness guru — this is Jane Fonda. Born to legendary actor Henry Fonda, Jane Fonda was (clearly) destined at an early age to an influential and successful life in Hollywood.

Jane Fonda
From the 60s, to the 70s, 80s and 90s, Jane Fonda continues to amaze, entertain, and enlighten audiences everywhere. Her most recent claim-to-fame is for her role in the popular Netflix series Grace and Frankie, alongside hilariously talented actress Lily Tomlin aka the dynamic duo.
Carrie Fisher
PUH-lease, as if Princess Leia needs any kind of introduction. As soon as Carrie Fisher hit the Hollywood scene in 1969, she was a huge success.

Carrie Fisher
Both on and off screen, most say it’s thanks to her charm, wit, and overall character. Tragically at age 60 in December 2016, our dear Princess passed away from cardiac arrest.