Living In The Moment
One of Elliott’s beliefs is that he should never look back on any part of his life with regret. Even when it comes to leaving a legacy behind, he would rather connect with people here and now. “It’s about the people I’m working with at the time, and just going in and enjoying the process,” he told The Guardian.

Living In The Moment
“It’s hard work, but it’s a creative, artistic process. And if you can’t enjoy that, then you’re going about it wrong.”
His VS His
Thinking about mustaches can bring both Tom Selleck and Sam Elliott into our minds, but who wore it better? According to Elliott, “I think it all depends on where we are at the time, you know?

His VS His
Right now I’ve got more of a mustache than Tom does, but I know he can grow one,” he explained to Vanity Fair. “I don’t think he’s ever grown his out the way I’ve grown mine out over the years.”