Love Is In The Air: The Partners of Famous LGBT Entertainers

Published on 11/30/2017

Samira Wiley and Lauren Morelli

An Orange is the New Black match made in heaven! Samira Wiley plays Poussey Washington on the series while Lauren Morelli is the show’s writer. October 2016 is when they got engaged and in March 2017, they got hitched!

Samira Wiley Lauren Morelli

Samira Wiley Lauren Morelli


Kendrell Bowman And Anthony Wayne

Anthony Wayne made his Broadway debut back in 2011 in Anything Goes and Kendrell Bowman is a creative image consultant and stylist to the stars. Together, however, they are a force to be reckoned with. As they became the star and director/head consume designer for You Make Me Feel Mighty Real: A Sylvester Concert – the Offbroadway musical became a huge success.

Kendrell Bowman And Anthony Wayne

Kendrell Bowman And Anthony Wayne