Live Long and Prosper: Catch Up With The Cast of ‘Star Trek’

Published on 11/02/2017

Kurtwood Smith -Annorax

I can’t deal right now. Kurtwood Smith, AKA Red Foreman AKA the creator of “dumb-a**”, had a guest role on Star Trek: Voyager. I just can’t handle this information!

Kurtwood Smith Annorax

Kurtwood Smith Annorax


Lieutenant Tuvok – Tim Russ

Tim Russ played the Chief of Security and Chief Tactical Officer of the ship, from 1995 to 2000, and was also of a Vulcan species. Since hanging up his Trekkie hat, he’s appeared on shows like Samantha Who? and iCarly.

Lieutenant Tuvok Tim Russ

Lieutenant Tuvok Tim Russ