Live Long and Prosper: Catch Up With The Cast of ‘Star Trek’

Published on 11/02/2017

Lieutenant Uhura – Nichelle Nichols

We love you, Nichelle Nichols! Admirably, her character was one of the first African American female characters on American television who wasn’t playing the role of a servant. Mind-blowing? Yeah, we’d say so! After Star Trek, she actually joined a special project with NASA(!) to help recruit minority and female personnel, which is totally cool to put it mildly.

Lieutenant Uhura – Nichelle Nichols

Lieutenant Uhura – Nichelle Nichols


Lieutenant Worf – Michael Dorn

Get this, from Michael Dorn’s first appearance in the pilot episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation to his last in Star Trek: Nemesis, Dorn has appeared more times as a regular cast member than any other actor of the entire franchise. Whoa. Following the show, Dorn has starred in many independent feature films and is also an accomplished pilot who operates a Lockheed T-33 trainer jet, and yes, he does call it his ‘starship’.

Lieutenant Worf – Michael Dorn

Lieutenant Worf – Michael Dorn