The total GDP of Ghana happens to be $68.26 billion. It has a strong economy that makes it ninth when it comes to the highest GDP in the continent. Its GDP has gone up thanks to the management plans put into motion to address the problems of the country. It has a lot of natural resources that the government uses for income. The country has 31.07 million inhabitants and a GDP per capita of $2,262. The economy continues to grow, as is evident by the fact that its estimated GDP growth was 7.1% in 2019. Things have been consistently going well for the country ever since 2017.
This eastern African country has 50.95 million inhabitants and a GDP of $99.25 million. It has the ninth highest GDP in the continent! The World Bank considers it a “middle income” country thanks to its GDP per capita of $2,011. It has a market-based economy, a couple of government-owned infrastructures, and a liberalized trade system all at the same time. Kenya also happens to have ports in the Indian Ocean. The growth of the country can be attributed to the mining, tourism, and fishing sectors. However, agriculture is what takes the cake since it makes up around 75% of the workforce! In particular, coffee and tea are the main products of the country. Investments and household consumption also drive the economy up.