Opening Minds
Campbell is convinced that his purpose in life is to create a significant and positive impact on the world – for the environment and humanity. He is driven by innovation. This is most likely because for the better part of his life, he was an electrical engineer.
Recycling airplanes somehow gets Campbell giddy and all excited – a niche that he would like to claim as his own. Standing with his aircraft home, he said, “My goal is to change humanity’s behavior in this little niche.”

Opening Minds
Part Of A Small Group
Campbell is actually one of a few people around the globe, from Texas to the Netherlands and Costa Rica, who have converted retired airliners and some aircraft into functional spaces for living. Martin Todd, an Aircraft Fleet Recycling Association spokesman, said that the group “is happy to see aircraft fuselages re-purposed in a range of creative ways. We would want them to be recovered and to be re-used in an environmentally sustainable fashion.”

Part Of A Small Group