Remedy for Vinyl Tile Hassle
Bathroom tiles, usually the vinyl kind, will get loose as time goes on. Instead of spending a fortune of replacing them, try this really easy and handy trick. Place a layer of tinfoil under the tiles, and then bring your iron. Heat it up and place it over the tiles. This will cause the aluminum to heat up and remelt the glue under the tiles, ensuring that it sticks as it should.

Remedy For Vinyl Tile Hassle
A Protective Credit Card Cover
Technology is advancing so fast, it’s incredible! Nowadays you don’t even need to swipe your credit card anymore. You can simply tap it to the machine with this new RFID technology. But what about those times you don’t intend on tapping it but get charged anyway? Well, you can make yourself a kind of pouch from aluminum foil which will prevent this from happening. Say goodbye to unintentional purchases.

A Protective Credit Card Cover