21 Aluminum Foil Hacks You Didn’t Know You Needed

Published on 10/08/2018

Use Foil To Clean Your Dishes

Sick of using that dirty sponge to scrub off stuck-on food? All you have to do is crumple up a piece of aluminum foil into a ball, put some dish soap on it, and scrub away. It’s more sanitary than using a sponge because you’ll be able to toss it into the trash when you’re finished, and it works even better because of the rough material the edges create. Give it a try on those tough messes!

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Use Foil To Clean Your Dishes


Protect Your Baby’s Mattress

Accidents happen with every child, but with this simple trick they can be much less stressful on your life. Simply place aluminum foil across the whole mattress, cover it with a towel, and place the mattress pad and sheets back on the bed. You may still have to do some laundry with any accidents, but at least you won’t have to buy a new mattress.

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Protect Your Baby’s Mattress