21 Aluminum Foil Hacks You Didn’t Know You Needed

Published on 10/08/2018

Don’t Dye Your Glasses

Want to dye your hair but don’t want to be bored while the color is soaking in? We feel your pain! Here’s all you have to do to avoid ruining your expensive glasses: Wrap the arms of your glasses in aluminum foil, and just pull it off after your hair is done. With this trick you’ll be able to read a book or watch TV while your hair is being dyed and you won’t ruin your glasses!

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Don’t Dye Your Glasses


Build Your Own Panini Press

This one is super simple. Just wrap your sandwich in aluminum foil and place it between two cookie sheets. After you have that, wrap a brick in aluminum foil (trust us) and put it on top of the cookie sheet. Put everything in the oven for a few minutes and you’ll see that you have a delicious panini.

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Build Your Own Panini Press