What Did I Tell You About Ridiculous Baskets?!
Baby, basket, blanket – do you think the combination of these elements is good for a photo shoot? A lot of people might say yes and think that it would be really easy to include these elements in a photo shoot, but actually, the task is pretty hard. Even though the second baby looks like he isn’t happy with mom and dad for signing him up for this photo shoot, he still looks adorable in spite of the anger. Just a reminder to parents: photography is harder than it seems and Pinterest shouldn’t fool you into thinking otherwise.
Part Of The Process
Photographers specializing in baby shoots know that pee and poop are normal in the process. Here, it looks as if the proud mama succeeded in avoiding getting sprayed on the face by her precious cargo, but her dress wasn’t as lucky. At least most parents seem to have a great sense of humor in terms of their children using them as human toilets! We’re pretty sure many of these parents wished they could start potty training their children when they finished the photo shoot.