Not Family Friendly: Dog Breeds That Aren’t The Best With Kids

Published on 01/22/2019

Doberman Pinscher

Doberman Pinschers are often used in the military for their aggressive behavior. During the 1970’s this breed was extremely popular, but an increase in dog bites was also noted. There are also horror stories of Dobermans attacking their owners for no reason. Although these instances have decreased over the years, when a Doberman turns on a person, things can quickly get ugly. Insurance companies are very wary of them to this day.

Doberman Pinscher

Doberman Pinscher


German Shepherd

German Shepherds are not only loyal, but they are also obedient and smart. Their high intelligence and aggressive side are the reason they’re used in law enforcement. Insurance companies know about the aggression, and think twice about families who own this breed. Although there is a possibility they can be great family dogs, they are quite large, powerful animals, who may mistakenly attack the wrong person.

German Shepard

German Shepherd