Did You Know These Habits Are Damaging Your Kidneys?

Published on 12/25/2019

Say Goodbye To Those Cigarettes

It’s not a secret in this day and age that smoking is terrible for your lungs and heart. However, did you know that it’s just as bad for your kidneys? In 2000, a study was done for the Annals of Internal Medicine. Chain smokers, both current and former, are at a much higher risk for kidney disease. Using things like cigarettes create creatinine in the body, which is unhealthy for the kidneys. While former smokers have a slightly lower risk for this disease than current smokers, it’s never too late to quit.

Say Goodbye To Those Cigarettes

Say Goodbye To Those Cigarettes


Try To Avoid Processed Foods

To keep food fresh for longer, companies usually add a large amount of sodium that’s very dangerous for your kidneys, as we’ve stated. Other than sodium they use other ingredients in processed foods that have higher amounts than you should be consuming. These ingredients are potassium and phosphorus, which in small amounts, are good for you. However, having too much of either could be damaging. Even though kidneys filter through potassium levels, having too high an intake can stress out the organs. Make sure to limit the amount and frequency of processed foods you’re eating.

Try To Avoid Processed Foods

Try To Avoid Processed Foods