There Was Something Wrong
“I then called my mother in law to check her bathroom since I had been there the night before. Totally normal,” she said. However, this did not shake off the feeling that this was serious. Caitlyn also started to feel more anxious! The situation made her feel like there was something wrong with her. For one thing, she noticed that her colitis was flaring up once more. She also felt bloated and tired all the time.
Looking For Answers To Her Strange Problem
As she laid down in bed with her husband that night, Caitlyn whipped out her phone and looked up “blue toilet seat.” As she waited for the page to finish loading, she tried to figure out what else it could have been. What was it if it was not the result of her new cleaning product? When the page loaded, her face dropped. Her cheeks flushed and her heart started to beat harder! She was silent as she turned to James and showed what her phone said.