Throwback Brands That Are Making The Biggest Comeback This Year

Published on 12/15/2020

Fashion trends always come back in style, and today we see this fact more plainly than ever. It might not feel like the ’90s were 30 years ago, but here we are – and with the same trends, too. However, the trends that are back are not the only thing that came back around. Brands we haven’t really thought about in a while are making their comeback and gaining momentum once again. Brands that used to be all the rage might have been under the radar are now right back at the top. Let’s delve into some of the best old-school brands that are back in action!


Ever since athleisure became a huge hit in 2016, brands like Champion began seeing some serious success. Despite the fact that Champion was known for being the brand of basketball in the ’90s, they now have a wide range of streetwear. On top of that, they used the nostalgia trend to its fullest potential and reminded their consumers why they loved the brand in the first place. With the vibrant coloring of the ’80s, the branding of the ’90s, and the over-sized fits, Champion became one of the most popular brands once again.





Nowadays, chunky sneakers are all the rage, and Fila was the first to jump on the bandwagon. Additionally, they created their own version of the branded hoodie as well to truly increase their popularity. When popular streetwear brands like Supreme began partnering with high-end fashion brands like Louis Vuitton, there was a whole new demand for more affordable streetwear options. Fila is most definitely in that category and is well on its way to becoming as popular as brands like Adidas.

