Rita Hayworth On A Bike At The Beverly Hills Hotel
When Rita Hayworth entered Hollywood, starlets were following a template that would let them star in any film that would cast them. Born Margarita Carmen Cansino, she changed her name and thinned her hair. Impressively, she brought both joy and seriousness to her parts. “She had natural elegance. I saw that immediately, before they fixed her hair, something I may have contributed to did ask for Rita on her first loan‐out, ‘Susan and God,’ where she really had little to do. Yes, I knew, right away, she wasn’t just another pretty girl. Rita made some of her material better than it was,” said Director George Cukor.

Rita Hayworth On A Bike At The Beverly Hills Hotel
Giving A Fellow Hollywood Star The Side Eye
There is nothing new about Hollywood frenemies! Check out this photo, which shows Sophia Loren with her head perched next to the bust of Jayne Mansfield. It seemed like the latter crashed a party of sorts! The truth was that this was taken during a Paramount party that was supposed to celebrate the stateside arrival of the Italian star. It took place in Beverly Hills in 1957. Seated beside Clifton Webb, the celebrant was seen bombarded by her colleague’s assets. This was probably a publicity stunt for Jayne Mansfield, although Loren was caught in the shot. Loren said that she could not tear her eyes away from Mansfield. On top of that, she has always declined to sign prints of this particular photo.

Giving A Fellow Hollywood Star The Side Eye