How The Mona Lisa Survived The Second World War
Is there a more famous painting than the Mona Lisa? It has been stolen several times in the past, but it had been at the Louvre during the Second World War. Jacques Jaujard, France’s National Museums director, came up with a plan to keep it safe from the Nazis. When the Soviet Union and Germany announced the Nonaggression Pact on the 25th of August 1939, he closed the museum “for repairs” for three days. The staff took down all the paintings, moved the statues, and left the works of art in wooden crates. These boxes were marked using red dots to indicate the importance of the pieces. After this, hundreds of trucks brought thousands of artifacts and crates to the Loire Valley to secure them.

How The Mona Lisa Survived The Second World War
Carl Akeley And The Leopard That Attacked Him
If you ask us, taxidermy is a pretty neat occupation on its own. Carl Akeley is even cooler than most! The jack of all trades lived through many encounters with wild animals during his African safaris. He took his job very seriously. He did not just stuff the skins with whatever he had on hand. Instead, he studied their bodies to ensure that the final products would look lifelike. In 1896, he battled it out with a leopard as he hunted for ostriches in Somaliland. It was a fight for survival, and he barely made it out of there alive.

Carl Akeley And The Leopard That Attacked Him