Christmas Truce
The Christmas Truce, a series of unofficial cease-fires along the Western Front of World War I around Christmas 1914, featured soldiers playing football in no-man’s land. They do say that football/soccer brings people together…

Christmas Truce
Mata Hari Was A True Icon
The gorgeous Mata Hari was a spy and dancer who took the world by storm. People have called her a feminist, a courtesan, a spy wannabee, and more! Regardless of these labels, we know that her story is difficult to replicate. She had no qualms about diving into exciting ventures, although it resulted in her undoing as well. This is what Ted Brandsen, the National Ballet director and choreographer, had to say about her: “What fascinated us is the story of a woman with an incredible lust for life and a powerful instinct to survive, and to reinvent herself and to transform herself. She had a lot of horrible things happen to her and she managed to somehow give a spin to it and find her way out.”

Mata Hari Was A True Icon