The Gorgeous Elizabeth Taylor While Taping Giant In 1956
Elizabeth Taylor definitely lived an amazing life. She kicked off her acting career in 1941, but she only got her big break in the ‘50s after she starred in Giant alongside Rock Hudson and James Dean. The actress once said that she did not watch her films but enjoyed the memories she had of making them. “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen Giant. I don’t look at old movies of myself. I don’t even look at new ones of myself. But I loved Jimmy and I loved Rock. And I was the last person Jimmy was with before he drove to his death…But that was a private, personal moment,” she said.

The Gorgeous Elizabeth Taylor While Taping Giant In 1956
Hawaiian Night Fishing, 1948
What a stunning photo! Can you imagine what it must be like to wade out into the water with a live flame over your head? This is even more amazing when you consider that this man was using a spear to fish. For generations, Hawaiians have used spears when fishing in shallow waters. They often use strong woods like koai’e, uhiuhi, o’a, and kauila. They are often six to seven feet long and come with a pointed end. The fishermen attracted fish with the light of the torches, which was made using coconut leaves stuck to their homemade poles. When they needed it to be brighter, they burned nuts in bamboo.

Hawaiian Night Fishing, 1948