30 Bizarre Celebrity Facts You Won’t Believe Are True

Published on 02/25/2019

Celebrities, they’re just like us. Well almost. While some celebrities do occasionally buy their own lattes, and you can sometimes spot them at a Red Sox game, most of our favorite stars do live extraordinary lives. Well they often have more money than they can handle, and the freedom to do whatever they please. So they can afford to drop a cool million on a ghost machine. They can also spend $100K on their hair each year. If they want, they can get into a fully-blown bidding war over some dinosaur bones. So we’ve compiled a list of the weirdest and quirkiest facts about about our favorite celebs, which really does help them stand out from us ‘regular’ people.

Meghan Fox

Meghan Fox has it all. The model-looks, and enviable career and a gorgeous family of her own. Still, there’s still some quirky facts about her which fans may not have realized, and maybe this is the source of her luck. While she was promoting the first Transformers movie, Meghan said in an interview, “I believe in all of these Irish myths, like leprechauns.” She added, “Not the pot of gold, not the Lucky Charms leprechauns. But maybe was there something in the traditional sense? I believe that this stuff came from somewhere other than people’s imaginations.” So maybe these Irish luck is the secret of her success?

Meghan Fox

Meghan Fox


Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian really lives the high-life and can afford to pick and choose and do what ever she pleases. She can also afford to be a little bit diva-ish. So if one of her pet hates is the cardboard, she won’t ever have to deal with that, ever. Kim once admitted in an interview how “I hate the sleeve on a Starbucks cup.” For her this is no sweat, as she has people to deal with this burning dilemma. Kim simply leaves “the room for someone to take it off for me because I cringe from the sound. It’s like nails on a chalkboard for me. I hate cardboard.”

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian