Minnie Ripperton & Maya Rudolph – 20s
Everyone was completely smitten with the musician Minnie Ripperton when she first came out with the hit single Lovin’ You in the ‘70s. She only got to spend seven years with her daughter Maya Rudolph, though it seems she passed plenty of things unto her child. Keep your ears peeled when you listen to the aforementioned hit song as you will hear her sing “Maya” near the end. Sadly, they never got to perform together and this is as close as it would ever get. Maya, meanwhile, decided to go into comedy instead of singing like her late mother.

Minnie Ripperton & Maya Rudolph – 20s
Kirk Douglas And Michael Douglas – In Their 30s
Three generations of the Douglas family appeared together in the movie It Runs in the Family. Perhaps Kirk Douglas acted as the precedent for his son Michael in terms of career. Can you believe that the older man has been acting for nearly seventy years by now? Yup, it is nothing short of impressive. Michael lived up to expectations in the looks, talent, and success departments. It has been five decades after Michael’s first acting credit, and he has now passed on the torch to his son Cameron. We wonder if Cameron is handling the pressure as well as his dad did back in the day!

Kirk Douglas And Michael Douglas – In Their 30s