Box Office Success
The budget for the film was very high at the time, totaling about $3.2 million! The investment was worth it as the film accumulated over $16.2 million at the box office. The reviews and ratings were also very high since it came out in theaters. Famous and well respected critic, Roger Ebert, gave the film 4/4 and described Newman’s performance as “unforgettable.”

Box Office Success
Signs You Probably Missed
There are quite a few images and props used throughout the movie to help tell the story. For example, traffic signs are used. In one of the opening scenes when Luke decides to vandalize parking meters, “violation” appears and there are stop signs in sight. There is another example when Luke is arrested. The traffic lights turn from green to red. Also, at the end of the movie, Luke becomes fatally wounded and again the lights turn from green to red. Very interesting, don’t you think?

Signs You Probably Missed