Airplanes may be known for being the most secure form of transport available to us, however, an aircraft accident is most of the time fatal, leaving no survivors. The first plane ever created was the work of the Wright brothers in 1903. Following World War I, aircraft technology continued to develop. Airplanes became present in all large-scale wars. It wasn’t until 1958 that the first commercial jet was successfully introduced to the world. Known as The Boeing 707, this aircraft was in service for more than 50 years till 2013. No matter how much technology develops, there are some things that are simply out of our reach. A plane crash is one of them, once it happens there is no going back. Thankfully they are not frequent. Keep reading to discover what are the most fatal airplane accidents that ever occurred,

The Deadliest Plane Crashes Written In History
Tenerife Crash
The Tenerife Crash, March 27, 1977, is considered the deadliest accident in aviation. Two Boeing passenger planes crashed on the runway at the Spanish airport “Los Rodeos” located on the island of Tenerife. Both flights were supposed to land at Gran Canaria Aiport. However, after a bombing attack in the said airport, both flights were told to land at “Los Rodeos”. There was a communication misunderstanding and a bad fog that day. As one plane was running in the runway to take off, so was the other. The crash was so strong that 583 people died. There ere only 61 survivors including both flights.

Tenerife Crash