Fact And Fiction: The Story Of Doc Holliday

Published on 12/19/2019

A Deputy

Virgil Earp ended up crippled after O.K. Corral. Meanwhile, Morgan got ambushed and died in March 1882. Virgil survived a number of ambushes as well, but Wyatt and his deputies made sure to protect him. They were not able to look for justice at the courts, which was why he deputized Holliday. They vowed to get revenge for Morgan’s death. The federal posse rode out to look for Frank Stilwell, who they believed was responsible. They found the cowboy on a train. Virgil ended up killing him.

A Deputy

A Deputy


The Cowboy Life

After they killed Frank Stilwell, there was a warrant out for the arrest of the federal posse. However, they were not yet done. Days after that ambush, Holliday and Wyatt got to Iron Springs. They snuck up on 8 cowboys, drew their weapons, and started to fire. Holliday and the gang took out three of them. The sole casualty in the posse would be their wounded horse. They now had a warrant for them, which was the reason they opted to skip Arizona and head on to Colorado.

The Cowboy Life

The Cowboy Life