Things You Should Always Get At The Dollar Store And Things You Shouldn’t Even Think About

Published on 03/15/2020

Phone Chargers

It’s hard not to run into the dollar store when your phone charger is at its last end and you need a quick and cheap charge. However, you should invest in apple chargers because these cheap chargers may damage your phone’s battery. They also won’t charge as much or as fast so either way you lose out and instead should spend a bit more to get your money’s worth.

Phone Chargers

Phone Chargers


Trash Bags

The Dollar store may lure you in with brand name trashbags but you’ll soon learn that you’re paying 1$ for just 2-3 trash bags. If you’re anything like us then this will last you not even 3 days! What’s even worse is that these trash bags are so cheap that the plastic can easily rip.

Trash Bags

Trash Bags