Back in the day, Doris Day was considered to be one of the biggest stars in the entertainment industry. And why wouldn’t she be? She had beautiful golden hair and a wonderful voice. The actress went on to change the way people consume both films and music. Some of the songs she performed went on to become all-time favorites, and many still turn to her work when in need of inspiration. However, you would be surprised to know that as a child, she was much more focused on dancing instead of singing or acting. She only changed her plans when an accident broke her leg. Can you imagine what would have happened if this fantastic lady didn’t change the industry?

Talented Since Birth
Doris Mary Ann Kappelhoff was born in Cincinnati, Ohio on April 3, 1922. She had German ancestry from both sides of her family. Like previously mentioned, she initially aspired to be a dancer. However, everything came to a halt when she suffered a leg injury from a car accident on October 13, 1937. While she was recovering from the injury, she discovered that she also had a talent for singing! She sang a lot to the radio and particularly adored the works of Ella Fitzgerald.

Talented Since Birth