Her Special Show
In an attempt to rebuild her wealth, she kept working in the entertainment industry. In 1968, the Doris Day Show went on air. It went on for a total of four seasons, and the show evolved and changed many times in that span of time. The comedic tone eventually shifted to a more serious vibe to depict the realities of urban life. The second season was shot in San Francisco, and it showed Doris Day in the position of a secretary. The following two seasons depicted her as a career woman, and this was the way it was until the finale in March 1973.

Her Special Show
Her legacy also lives on in the tributes that musicians include in their songs. You can see this practice in the Billy Joel hit We Didn’t Start the Fire, particularly in the line “Harry Truman, Doris Day, Red China, Johnnie Ray”. Another example is George Michael who has mentioned that the sun is shining brighter than the actress in his song Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go. Other prominent musicians who have mentioned her include The Beatles, Doe Maar, and Elton John. She can add this to list of things to boast about in addition to an impressive net worth!
