Moving Towards Retirement
Doris had way too much on her plate! She lost her money and her spouse at the same time so her annoyance was, to say the least, understandable. She basically retired when The Doris Day Show concluded. However, she also did some TV specials: The Doris Mary Ann Kappelhoff Special back in 1971 and Doris Day to Day four years later. She also signed onto the 26-episode talk show Doris Day’s Best Friends. It was eventually canceled though its ratings were fairly good.

Moving Towards Retirement
Doris has always been an animal lover, and it seems like this passion is the result of her dog’s death when she was a teenager. She actually co-founded Actors and Others for Animals back in 1971. She also denounced the act of wearing fur in public. Mary Tyler Moore and Jayne Meadows, among other stars, joined Day in her efforts. After seven years, she also launched the Doris Day Pet Foundation, a charity organization that aimed to help animals and the people who took care of them. The group is still very active today.
