After Draining A 200-Year-Old Parisian Canal, They Were Shocked By What The Water Revealed

Published on 03/05/2021

A Random Office Chair

For one thing, none of them had any idea how an office chair wound of there. This discovery evoked skepticism among the witnesses. Could an office employee have traveled to the 10th arrondissement on this thing? The theory might sound a bit ridiculous to you, but the thought of it made us smile a little.

Random Office Chair

A Random Office Chair


There Was A Suitcase

It is a lot of fun to develop theories about how these things made their way there. As they drained the water, even more, another interesting item popped up from below the murkiness. They saw a rather disgusting suitcase at the bottom of the canal. Did someone throw it there?

There Was A Suitcase

There Was A Suitcase