These Epic Clothing Fails Will Have You Laughing For Days

Published on 09/24/2018

Since When Did Africa Become Asia?

For those wanting to get into the clothing business, we have one request…know your geography before you mass print t-shirts! One: anyone who actually knows what Asia looks like, would not buy this shirt. Two: for those who don’t know what the continents look like, and would buy this shirt, let them be idiots in secret, they don’t need to air it for the world to see!

Since When Did Africa Turn Into Asia@1

Since When Did Africa Become Asia?


Someone Needs To Clean Their Diaper

We all know (and love?) the iconic pop star Justin Bieber. But, did you know that the Canadian is still not potty-trained? Yup, you heard it here folks, 7-year-olds around the world are in love with a 24-year-old who still has accidents in his pants. We’re not too sure about not only the print of these leopard-print pants, but the design as well. This look tops the list as one of his worst yet.

Someone Needs To Clean Their Diaper

Someone Needs To Clean Their Diaper