Adam Richman 70 Pounds – Vegan Diet & Exercise
With his show Man V. Food, Richman turned his passion for food into a career, showcasing competitive eating skills. Until he retired from the show to focus on his health, Richman gained a considerable amount of weight and suffered from depression. In just ten months, the soccer fan lost 70 pounds by following a training regimen and eating a vegan diet similar to that of professional soccer players. Over a period of ten months, he achieved success, and he joked that he could now have more space on planes.
Tom Arnold – 100 Pounds – Low-Carb Diet & Workouts
Inspired to get his health on track after his son’s birth, by cutting carbs and heading to the gym six times, he lost 100 pounds. Arnold says he was addicted to food, as well as to drugs and alcohol. He credits his wife with assisting him in his recovery by preparing meals and providing support. Arnold is said to have had sleep apnea, and in 2014, he wrote an essay for TODAY in which he expressed his feelings and thoughts about the condition and his weight loss journey.