Couple Spent 20 Years Building Floating Home, It’s Breathtaking

Published on 06/27/2018

Guilty Pleasures

On the odd occasion that they leave their home to do some shopping in Tofino, Catherine and Wayne treat themselves to something special. These ‘special’ treats are foods like popcorn , candy and chocolate. Wayne laughs about it saying, “A chocolate bar is the most valuable thing in the wilderness.”

Guilty Pleasures

Guilty Pleasures


Not Easy Leaving Home

Although those visits to the mainland are beneficial, they always feel happy coming back home. They always joke that while some people complain about getting sea sickness, they get ‘land sickness’. What can we say, home is home. You might be wondering what it must be like living alone like this. You would imagine that it would be difficult, but Catherine has something else to say.

Not Easy Leaving Hom

Not Easy Leaving Home