Dad Cuts Girl’s Hair Off For Getting Highlights, Mom Steps In

Published on 05/21/2019

Reaching Their Target Goals

It took a pretty short time before the audience decided to show their support for the young girl by donating their hard-earned money. Aunt Kelly only had a target of a thousand bucks, but they go to nearly double that amount without any problems! No one could have predicted what happened next – an anonymous person made a contribution of $2,000 in one go, effectively bringing the total to $3,543! Now, the next question is this: what should they do with these donations from generous strangers?

Reaching Their Target Goals

Reaching Their Target Goals


Lady Jane’s

It was not hard at all to find the answer to that question. They went back to the salon to get her hair fixed before they do anything else. They chose the Lady Jane salon, but the staff apparently knew about the situation already.

Screenshot 23

Lady Jane’s