In this recent reimagining of the 1985 classic series, Lucas Till plays a younger version of the wily undercover agent. The first season of the show, starring Richard Dean Anderson, was so popular that the term “MacGyver” was added to the Oxford dictionary, meaning “to make or repair in an improvised or inventive manner, using whatever items are at hand.” CBS canceled MacGyver in 2016 after five seasons, despite the fact that the original show lasted seven seasons and inspired two film adaptations. On April 30, the final season will come to a close. Due to low ratings, CBS may have decided to cancel the show. Viewership has dropped by a fifth from the previous season, according to TVSeriesFinale.
Peaky Blinders
The adventures of Cillian Murphy’s Tommy Shelby and the ruthless Peaky Blinders gang are chronicled in this British gangster drama series set in early 1900s Birmingham, England. Season six of Peaky Blinders has resumed production after COVID-19 disrupted filming. The season will be released in early 2022, and it will be the final one. Knight has previously hinted at a Peaky Blinders film, stating, “While the TV series will be coming to an end, the story will continue in another form.”