These Celebrities’ Better Halves Makes Us Believe In True Love

Published on 03/07/2021

Eddie Murphy – Paige Butcher

Eddie Murphy has dated a lot of ladies throughout the years, and he even dated previous Spice Girl Mel B at a certain point. Their relationship created a youngster. However, Eddie Murphy claims that he was the dad, demanding a DNA test. It worked out that he was, in fact, the dad, and after not being engaged with his little girl Angel’s life for quite a while, he began shaping a relationship with her in 2010. Eddie met Paige Butcher for a couple of relationships and connections later; she has been his partner since 2012.

Eddie Murphy – Paige Butcher

Eddie Murphy – Paige Butcher


Ron Howard – Cheryl Alley

Quite possibly the most unmistakable entertainers and movie producers on the planet, Ron Howard met his significant other Cheryl Alley while they were both in secondary school. The two purportedly went to a similar English subject. Around four years after the fact, in 1975, Ron wedded Cheryl, and they’ve been together from that point onward, demonstrating to us all of us you can have a fruitful marriage even though you’re a Hollywood star. Ron and Cheryl have four kids together, Bryce Dallas, twins Jocelyn Carlyle and Paige, and a child named Reed Cross. Both Bryce and Paige are entertainers too. In 2018, Howard produced Solo: A Star Wars Story. Ron is probably the most extravagant producer on the planet, with $160M in his pocket.

Ron Howard – Cheryl Alley

Ron Howard – Cheryl Alley