Look For This Switch On Your Ceiling Fan
If you still remember basic physics from your high school science classes, you should know that hot air goes up since it is less dense compared to cool air. This is not all that helpful when the winter months roll in, but you can just turn a switch on the ceiling fan to make everything better. Many ceiling fans come with a tiny switch that can change the direction of the blades. During the colder months, you can use it to have the blades move clockwise to ensure that warm air will rise from the ceiling to the floor.

Look For This Switch On Your Ceiling Fan
A Magnet Will Keep Your Nails And Hammer Together
A lot of us do not pick up the hammer and nails on a regular basis. There is a good chance you have both things in your shed, but good luck scrounging around for them when you need them. Not only is this annoying, but it is also dangerous to keep unused nails lying around. You can prevent this by putting a tiny magnet at the bottom of the hammer. This way, you can get to work right away, avoid adding clutter to the house and save yourself from possible accidents.

A Magnet Will Keep Your Nails And Hammer Together