An Empty Bottle Can Make Your Home Decor Better
Home décor fans probably have large vases full of ornamental items like glass beads or used wine corks. But what are you going to do if you do not drink wine all that much? We do not recommend emptying wine bottles to get the corks or keep going back to the craft store to buy more glass beads. Why not just put an empty wine bottle inside the vase? This is a good idea as the boodle will then take up the majority of the volume in the vase and then fill up the remaining space with beads or corks.

An Empty Bottle Can Make Your Home Decor Better
A Squeegee Will Get Pet Hair Out Of Your Carpet
Do you have a pet dog or cat? If you just said ‘yes’, we are sure you know just how much fur can get on the floors and carpets in your home. Although you vacuum regularly to solve the issue, there are also times when vacuums cannot get everything off these surfaces. When this happens again, you can use a squeegee to loosen up the hair stuck on the carpet. The hardest bits will then come out and the vacuum should pick it all up.

A Squeegee Will Get Pet Hair Out Of Your Carpet