This Woman’s Husband Was Always Coming Home Late, His Clothes Revealed The Truth

Published on 06/05/2018

She Wrote About It

Jonna wrote in her blog in December of 2015, “I’m married to a hard-working man and I would be lying if I said that it didn’t take a toll on me. Sometimes he will come home after a long day at work and I’ll be waiting for him to walk in the door, so I can yell ‘you promised me you would be home at five!’ As if he would rather be working than spending time with me and our daughter.”


She Wrote About It


Being Honest

She bluntly stated, “I’m putting him in a lose-lose situation. He literally can’t win. If he doesn’t work late, we won’t get the new furniture set that I have to have. If he does work later, he comes home to a nagging wife who is desperate for his attention.” She continued to explain very honestly, “I am so selfish in our marriage and I know that. But, every once in a while, I’ll have my little ‘A-ha’ moment that gives me a sense of understanding.”


Being Honest